Friday, July 6, 2012

The Slumber Games

This is my old child:
So preciously asleep in her crib, with her sassy, and her blanket.

Today Charli is two and half years old. It is 10:05pm and Charli just fell asleep in her bed.

I am not sure how I compare to other moms of two and half year olds and how they get them to sleep, but I am feeling pretty low ranked.

Let me paint the picture: Sunday Night

8:30 p.m. Lay Charli in bed, while she then proceeds to scream that she isn't tired and is scared. I tell her mommy and daddy are watching her always with our video machine and she doesn't need to be scared. I tell her she is safe. We always say we love her, and sweet dreams.

The Video Monitor A.K.A. "The video machine"

9:00 Charli screaming, Daddy asks her if she pooped on the video monitor(she is on antibiotics which usually cause diarrhea so we had been worried about this) she says "Ya" and I proceed with my diaper changing equipment into her room. I start to change her diaper and NO POOP! I said, "Charli there's no poop in here" and she has the AUDACITY to say........"There's Not?????" That sneaky little stinker! I lay her back down and tell her I love her and leave.

9:30 Troy goes in because Charli is screaming "Ouchie, Ouchie, Ouchie!" he proceeds into her room to find nothing wrong except her to say that she is not tired and she is scared of the pink monster! UGH!!! That smart little stinker! She knows exactly what to say to get us in there!

10:00 Charli screaming in her room. I go in to find her with no clothes on and she says "I'm cold" By this point I'm LIVID!!!!! BRING IT GIRL! I'm going show her who's boss that bossy little......!!!

10:30 She is in our bed....I'm defeated, tired, and she has won. (Stop smirking)

11:00 Troy takes one for the team and sleeps with Mr. Flashlight and Chubby Giraffe for the night in Charli's room.

Troy's snuggle partner that night

Here is my list of everything (under the sun) that I have tried! AND, how Miss Charli Kay has manipulated it.

Prayer and story- The first story turned into two, into three, into four, into a newly made up story about three puppies that goes like this: Once upon a time, there were three puppies (No I will not bore you with my three puppies story that changes depending on my level of tiredness) Needless to say after the 6th story I realized homegirl trapped me!

The stuffed animal kissing game- I kiss all the stuffed animals in her bed to sleep, ending with Charli. Then I get INSTRUCTED to start over, do it again, and tell her "Three puppies"

Snuggle me mommy- This is when I lay down next to her, and rub her back, play the staring game, rub her hair, rub her eyebrows, and tell her how beautiful and smart she is. While she INSTRUCTS me to tell her "Three puppies"

Tag Team- Mommy and Daddy both go into combat. We play good cop-bad cop. Mommy says, "Charli you have to sleep in your bed." While daddy gets to say, "Charli if you sleep in your bed I'll take you to get doughnuts in the morning." Then on the way out she asks for those annoying "Three puppies" again.

Then I remembered I am a teacher, I have worked with special needs students, emotionally disturbed students, and even just plain regular students. Why can't I do this? Why can't I be consistent and strong? So we have now started a sticker chart.

Since she is two I realize expecting her to wait a week to reward her is just not feasible to her. So we are starting small. I have created a small prize bucket on the fridge of things that include small stuffed animals, gum, pens, little notebooks, stamps, etc.

If Charli sleeps in her bed she earns one sticker. She needs to earn 3 total to get a baby doll. (Again this can be something small from the flea market in WS, or a little Barbie from Dollar Tree)

This morning she woke up and immediately asked for a sticker and prize!! I could not believe she remembered!!!! She put the sticker on the chart! and picked one prize from the prize box!!! I was so proud!!!!!

It is now three days later and she has earned her third sticker! Way to go Charli!!

I think I will start making her earn progressively more each time so we aren't buying her things all the time.

Hopefully, this will work....but knowing Charli, she may find a way to corrupt the system. Maybe some other mommies will have some suggestions for me? Please feel free to comment :)


  1. Oh goodness! Good luck, I have no idea. Each kid is different and if its working for her stick with it. My boy is two and I was just that mean mommy who said nope, you get a prayer, kiss from mom and dad, then night night. He cried for a few nights but got over it pretty quick. Whatever you choose to do stick with it. The first few nights were really hard to listen to him cry but now he goes down without a fight.

    I'm just trying to figure out how to KEEP him there. He has learned if he wakes up in the middle of the night he just comes right in to our room and climbs in bed. It wasn't too bad when it was 4 or 5 in the morning but now I swear it is getting earlier and earlier...

  2. Thanks! I guess with the arrival of the twins I have gotten more lenient. I know consistency is the key...I just need to do it :) Thanks for commenting! ~Jess

  3. You have not gotten softer on Charli Kay.She has had a lot of changes going on in the last few months new house,new room,new bed,no sassy,no she can't open the doors to get out of the room and roam around.The homemade stories are the best you love those as a child.Ya'll are good parents with the voice of reason.
