Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I guess I am just different...

While I can appreciate what Hollywood is doing with the movie Magic Mike I will most likely not be seeing it anytime soon.

I was asked to go see the movie Magic Mike and it got me thinking, by the way I would love to go see ANY movie! ( But I realize having 3 children under three it may not happen for about 3 years!!!) Anyway Troy and I have made a pact that we cannot partake in any GNO's or BNO's until the twins are sleeping consistently through the night.

But, I am sure I will not make everyone happy by saying, What's the difference between me seeing this movie with a group of women vs. my husband joining together with his buddies to see a movie like Showgirls or Striptease?

I know, I know, I know!!! that some will say well men have been doing this for years and now it is our turn.

I'm just personally saying it is not for me.

I am sure some will say I am insecure...maybe I am..or maybe I would just rather not feel like a hypocrite myself.

I can appreciate that this A-list cast is probably extremely funny and heck I may watch it one day if it ever comes on HBO, but it will most likely be with Troy in the room saying turn that dancey-dance crap off, just like I tell him if I see a girl in a bikini on t.v.

OR! I ask a hundred questions or make a hundred comments, like "Well, must be nice to have a trainer" or "Do you think she has a good body?" Of course she does!!! She's a supermodel!

I digress....

I just know that maybe if I feel this way then others may too right? Or maybe I am the only one that feels this way?

I think that maybe there are more women like me out there that do.

I just personally know that if Troy told me his buddies and he were going to go see a movie about female strippers including a top-notch cast of women like Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, or Jessica Simpson....

then this Jessica would secretly be pretty upset inside.

This is how I feel about it today, and maybe it is just the fact that I just had the twins, and I am feeling insecure. I dont know....

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