Friday, January 3, 2014

Rooms TOE Go

On New Year's Eve my parents took Charli for a few hours during the day. Troy and I got a wild hair to drive up to Rooms To Go and look at furniture. We have been wanting a new couch and thought we would browse their big sale. Mistake.....

Side Note: About three days before this Troy was going outside and opened the back door on his big toe, ripping his toenail almost completely off. Initially, when he fell to the floor in pain I couldn't help but snicker because I always reference him as the "Bull in the china cabinet" and he is always hurting himself. But it was actually pretty bad so we wrapped it up and went to sleep. The next morning he ended up having to remove his entire big toe nail and he has been taking care of it ever since religiously to prevent infection.

Here is the actual original picture of the ripped off toenail: BRACE YOURSELF FOR QUEEZY FACTOR!!!! YUCK!!!!!

Well, the day of Rooms TOE Go, we get the twins ready, packed, and loaded in the van. I even created a shoe that Troy could wear in order to "air" out his injured toe. I take time to feed the twins on the way to make sure their tummies are nice and full so they will be on their best behavior. We arrive at Rooms To Go and unload them into to the double stroller. They look so cute and innocent as we are pushing them into to the store.

We didn't even make it down one aisle before the girls started screaming! I have to pull out my Secret weapon: Candy Canes. I give each girl a candy cane and we are back to tranquility. Or at least for a little while.

We found a really nice set we liked and had a nice salesman so we decided to buy a leather sofa set.

Everyone else shopping just kept looking at the twins and I just ignore it now because everyone looks and points and says "Twins!!" but then I looked at the girls.

Their faces were covered in RED STICKY OOEY GOO!!!! And super mom had no baby wipes with her....dang!

I made my way to the bathroom and Josi started trying to grab the furniture with her hands and it's literally a scene out of a movie things started sticking to her! I made it to the bathroom and get them both clean.

I headed back to Troy and the salesman. Troy looked at the twins with that Hey-I'm-such-a-cool-dad-that-doesn't-realize-what-I-am-about-say-is-crazy says, "Just let them out."

Well, the twins understand the meaning of "out" and start chirping at me like the birds on Finding Nemo that say "Mine, Mine, Mine!" But instead they are saying, "Out, Out, Out"

I let them out...

and then begins my own version the T25 workout [Twins 25] for the day which translates to me chasing the twins around Rooms to Go for 25 minutes. I am at the end of my workout and we are finishing up but the sale guy needs us a little longer so Troy is holding Josi's hand and she decides she wants to throw a fit (She is the queen of the throw herself down, roll around, kick and scream fit)

Well, she threw her fit.....on Troy's toe

She stomped once wearing her cute glitter boots, and then threw her entire body weight onto the toe by sitting down! For all you Shaun T fans...she really Dug Deep! ;)

(Don't forget the toenail was "airing out" so it wasn't bandaged!!!!)

He looked at me in horror. His fear of leaving the house because someone may step on his toe was made real by his sweet Josi Mae!

I knew what I had to do. I picked her up and started to push the stroller. I left Libbi with Troy because she was still somewhat in good spirits. Upon leaving Josi decided she wanted to stay and started trying to throw herself down and flop backwards out of my arms, ripping at my shirt and my hat. The sales guy didn't have to say a word, he just immediately went to the door and opened it.....He must have kids....

Our furniture arrived today and I at least have a great memory for the day we purchased it.

And here is the update of Troy's ripped off big toe: [WARNING STILL QUEEZY!] But looks way better! I can't even post what it looked like after Josi sat on it! It looked MAD!!!!

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