Thursday, June 28, 2012

Charli says Adieu to Sweet Sassy Loo

Some of us refer to it as sassy, paci, binki, or whatever fun name we decide on. Our most recent name for Charli's pacifier is "Sassy Loo" and we pretty much add the word "Loo" or a form thereof to everything we say right now. It seems to help her take a bathy-loo, eat a piece of cheesy-choo, and drink a drink of milky-moo. I am now her mommy-moo and Troy is her Daddy-doo. Fun right?

Awww, the beginning of their relationship. So innocent, so sweet, and two and half years later a real pain!

Troy and I tried to get rid of Miss Sassy Loo when Charli was about 18 months. Charli would scream for hours, and we were convinced that she was the most stubborn child on the planet. Why did I feel so guilty about taking this little piece of plastic and rubber away? She doesn't NEED it. My guilt was furthered by my mom who said it was too soon. Funny thing, how even when your a grown adult your mom can still put a guilt-trip on you.

We tried first to cut it, I heard another mom talk about how this worked for her kids. I think this just pissed Charli off more! Seeing her precious sassy wounded and broken made her want to fight the vicious perpetrators (Troy and me) who dare touch her dear Sassy Loo. She screamed and screamed and I thought, why am I doing this to myself? and her?

Needless to say, we didn't succeed in banishing our home of Sassy Loo at the time. Charli got an ear infection and we decided to start giving it to her at sleeping times only.

Her sweet Sassy Loo

We stuck to this "sassy for sleeping only" and hid the sassy in a fake book for about 3-4 months, until one day Charli showed my mom where the hidden book was! My mom called and said, "I found your secret." Now I was afraid Sassy Loo was going to be showing up again other times of the day.

Then I got pregnant with the twins, and knew the sassy was going to still be an issue. Unfortunately, as busy working parents, we sometimes don't want to be anymore sleep deprived than we already are, so we NEED the pacifier. I honestly didn't want to fight the battle. We fought the battle of crying it out at 9 months, the battle of getting rid of the bottle at 14 months, and now being preggo with twins...I just didn't have the energy.

But, a few weeks ago, I started noticing that when Charli woke up in the morning she would grab her teeth. I asked her if her teeth hurt and she said, "Ya, my teef hurt." I now knew I needed to prepare myself for the battle of getting rid of Sassy Loo once and for all.

We had been telling Charli that the baby cows who come to graze and visit by our house needed pacifiers. We kept asking her if she wanted to give her Sassy's to the baby cows. She would say, "No" every time. Until last week, Troy asked if she was ready, and she miraculously said, "Ya!" So first we were going to say the Sassy broke and do a trial run on Friday night. I had told my mom that morning the plan so she was on board. Or so I thought.....

We put her down Friday night and she only cried for about 20 minutes and then she was asleep! Could we be so lucky? We were so proud, and thought to ourselves, WOW, that worked!!!

Well it did not, I walk into Charli's room Saturday morning to wake her up, and she has a foreign Sassy in her mouth!!!!!! I was so mad, you would have thought I walked in on Troy with another woman. No, my mom had sabotaged us! I asked where the sassy came from and Charli said, "Under my pillow." My mom had hidden the sassy inside Charli's pillow case and secretly told Charli where to find it.

I was HOT!!!! I called her and said if she was to ever do that again, she would be banned from seeing Charli until the sassy was gone for good.

Now, out of pure determination, the sassy had to go!

Charli and Troy took the sassy out to give away to the baby cows. Seen here:

Throwing her sassy to the cows!

But we still had a battle ahead of us.

Charli didn't nap that day, and it took forever to get her to sleep. The next day no nap, and Troy had to replace Miss Sassy Loo, with Mr. Flashlight. And then we tried letting our dog Leddy sleep with her! You could hear and see her on the video monitor saying, "Come here Leddy" but Leddy seemed to just want to escape too!

Monday, I was convinced Charli was mad, sad, or just depressed because of her long lost sassy. She told me she wasn't a big girl anymore and needed her Sassy. But, unfortunately we didn't have one in the house (thank goodness I probably would have broken down and gave in.)

Tuesday, she woke up from her nap screaming and refused to let me put her down. I almost drove right to Walmart with Charli and twins in tow to buy a new sassy. But, then I thought she might be sick.

She had strep throat!!!!!

Thank goodness I went to the doctor, or that brat -- Sassy Loo -- would have been back!

Our sweet Charli Kay no longer needs her "sassy" anymore.

Now I guess my next battle is potty training.

And to think.....I get to do this all over x2 with the twins!

God help us.

1 comment:

  1. Charli and me had a talk on friday afternoon and told her if she really needed it until the baby cows got it I would put Mimi's spare inside her pillow case and zip it up.
    I know I would have had to turn it over to Mom and Dad the next time I was over there.I will tell parents that have used the cut the sassy off technique there is something about that I will never agree with.You don't have to break something to get rid of it and children enjoy hearing story's of themselves growing up and a baby was helped by there kindness.
