It's been a while since my last post, but I had vowed not to write until I was done with grad school (school-guilt if any of you have had it!) But, I had to share this one!
Well, you haven't truly enjoyed Texas Roadhouse until you've changed two blowout diapers mid-meal.
On Saturday night we went to Texas Roadhouse to celebrate my father-in-law's birthday. We had planned to be there at 5:30pm and twin-time insisted on about 6:00pm since everyone decided to nap right until 5:00 and then we had to wake everyone up to get them packed and loaded for dinner.
On the way there I fed both girls on my tiny seat in between them in the van, as we arrive there and get seated everything is fine and the girls are actually enjoying themselves until Troy lifts Josi up to show me the massive blowout she had down her pants.
I stop eating, (Thank goodness I was inhaling my meal, a new twin parent habit realizing at any minute I could be called to doody!) And, doody it was...lots of it! I went into the restroom and then see the changing table and think to myself, "Thank goodness it is in a private stall!"
Wrong, I put Josi down she starts crying from being on the foreign germ filled table. I don't blame her.
Next, the lock on the door is not working so I put one hand on Josi, I use my foot and my hand to try to pull the door shut, it doesn't want to close, so I proceed to slam it shut! WRONG choice!
Josi starts then I start singing my go-to song where I just sing their names over and over to them... "Josi, Josi, Josi, Josi, Mae, Mae"
Next I open the diaper, and get to work, wiping, sweating, singing, smiling, and thinking about the germs! (I bet the waitress in the next stall over was texting her boyfriend that they needed to be "more careful", mom's of teenage girls or boys if you want instant birth control have your children change a screaming baby's diaper in a hot restaurant bathroom! It will work wonders!)
Next, was clothes changing time, why did I put the tight onesie on??? I practically ripped her ears off pulling it over her head. By this point Josi is happy again and I am the one about to scream! I keep thinking I should have just stayed at home! :)
Next I clean up, throw the diaper away! Apologize silently because I no longer carry those blue bags to wrap up the diaper to keep if from smelling. But, yes I did wash my hands!
Next, I proceed out the bathroom door to our table, and thankful for cooler air! I get to the table and relieved and exhausted. I made it through!
Troy nicely smiles and says, "This one is ready!"
I pass him the happy clean one, and grab the next!
On to round 2!
Libbi was much easier, I didn't battle the door anymore, I just left it open. I didn't care.
Next I changed, sang, sweat, smiled, and prayed that I could just make it through the meal without having a blowout myself, a verbal blowout of profanities!!!
I left the bathroom, and walked to the table! Guess what it was time to go. Thank goodness.
We were supposed to head back to my in-laws house for cake and ice cream, but I passed! I headed home to get the girls wiped down, dressed for bed, and fed. Troy came home early to help, and brought me two pieces of cake...too bad I was too exhausted to even eat them.
My days are busy from the time I wake, and even while I sleep.
I thought this picture was funny (it came up when I googled "busy mom", yoga mom has time to do yoga with her baby! Must. Be. Nice.
Today for example, I had to get grades in, progress reports done, lesson plans, work on other things for school as well. To top it off, from about 3 to 7 we had two fussy babies to pass back and forth...not to mention diva-Charli who changes moods within 15 second time intervals!
I will be glad when graduate school is over for me in two weeks.
Troy looked at me tonight and said, "Being a parent to three under three is exhausting!"....understatement!
I am just glad that my girls are happy and healthy...yes I will be exhausted, tired, and overwhelmed most days, but as long as they are happy and healthy that is all that matters.
Bed time! Well, I will attempt to sleep! In between, waking up with either Josi or Libbi....or Charli! Gotta love Twin-Life ;-)
Halloween 2012